Pink Pepper and Rose Soy Wax Melts


Soft and spicy, this blooming bouquet opens with rich fruity notes of blackcurrant and damson plum, that sink into a sumptuous heart of delicate petals. Spiced tones of carnation, rose and lily sit upon an indulgent cushion of warming amber and smooth woody nuances of creamy sandalwood and cedar.

Top Notes: Mandarin – Blackcurrant – Plum – Damson

Heart Notes: Carnation – Lily – Rose – Geranium

Base Notes: Amber – Sandalwood – Cedarwood

Each packet contains 6 soy wax melt squares finished with dried botanicals to enhance both melted appearance and fragrance. Each melt weighs 12 grams and will give a beautiful fragrance for up to 20 hours.

You can take it for granted that all Cutch products are created with an environment friendly agenda. Every wax melt is made of vegan friendly, sustainable soy wax, hand poured and cured for maximum scent. The packaging is fully recyclable

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Soft and spicy, this blooming bouquet opens with rich fruity notes of blackcurrant and damson plum, that sink into a sumptuous heart of delicate petals. Spiced tones of carnation, rose and lily sit upon an indulgent cushion of warming amber and smooth woody nuances of creamy sandalwood and cedar.

Top Notes: Mandarin – Blackcurrant – Plum – Damson

Heart Notes: Carnation – Lily – Rose – Geranium

Base Notes: Amber – Sandalwood – Cedarwood

Each packet contains 6 soy wax melt squares finished with dried botanicals to enhance both melted appearance and fragrance. Each melt weighs 12 grams and will give a beautiful fragrance for up to 20 hours.

You can take it for granted that all Cutch products are created with an environment friendly agenda. Every wax melt is made of vegan friendly, sustainable soy wax, hand poured and cured for maximum scent. The packaging is fully recyclable

Soft and spicy, this blooming bouquet opens with rich fruity notes of blackcurrant and damson plum, that sink into a sumptuous heart of delicate petals. Spiced tones of carnation, rose and lily sit upon an indulgent cushion of warming amber and smooth woody nuances of creamy sandalwood and cedar.

Top Notes: Mandarin – Blackcurrant – Plum – Damson

Heart Notes: Carnation – Lily – Rose – Geranium

Base Notes: Amber – Sandalwood – Cedarwood

Each packet contains 6 soy wax melt squares finished with dried botanicals to enhance both melted appearance and fragrance. Each melt weighs 12 grams and will give a beautiful fragrance for up to 20 hours.

You can take it for granted that all Cutch products are created with an environment friendly agenda. Every wax melt is made of vegan friendly, sustainable soy wax, hand poured and cured for maximum scent. The packaging is fully recyclable

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